
Story Complete! Gaming Enamel Pins - Survival Horror Vol. 1

Created by K.O. Arts

A tribute to the thought-provoking, terrifying genre that is survival horror! This is the 2nd project in the Story Complete! Series.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Most have been shipped! A few left in the wings...
about 2 months ago – Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 04:50:24 PM

Hey Everyone!

Just a small update to inform everyone that most all US domestic shipments have gone out, though there a few that are still waiting due to an inventory/manufactuer error. So if you have not received your package, I haven't forgotten about you! People who might still be waiting are being impacted by the Bioshock and Tahiti! Pins. 

Otherwise, if you did not have either of these pins and still have not received your package, please send me a message so I can check for shipping updates/send a replacement!

Thanks again for your continued patience,


Sticky Sticker Issue
4 months ago – Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 04:39:38 PM

Update 6/30

I had hoped my next message would be a shipping message, but I have had some major bad luck when it comes to getting these stickers delivered. 

I'm not sure what happened in the process, but my supplier managed to completely forget about me after some initial changes I requested to the design, and approving the proofs.

I've gone ahead and attached a few screenshots here to show that we have now been waiting for these stickers for nearly two months.

I first placed the order on May 8th

I received my final proof check on May 20

I only received confirmation of printing this past week, after much back in forth in regards to where my order is. @_@

And finally, this is my current last update as of 6/30 from their site.

I once again, sincerely apologize for the delay. I hope you can still rest assured that your pins exist and I am ready to begin shipping the moment I can! 

For the trouble, every single backer will be receiving a sticker in their package, regardless of if you backed enough to get one for free. If I see that you bought a sticker as an add-on, you will be receiving an extra!



Final Stretch + I'm Moving!
5 months ago – Sat, May 11, 2024 at 01:39:29 PM

Please double check your shipping addresses on Backerkit!

Shipment is almost upon us, so make sure your address is correct! If you believe there is still an error, you can reach out to me here or e-mail me to get it fixed once lock-ins are finalized! 
Please read below for a more detailed explanation on current events surrounding this Kickstarter.

Hello everyone! I want to apologize again for this much longer delay.
The issue at large is that I have gone through a job transition in the last few months. April became a little more tumultuous for my income, but at the beginning of May, I was able to accept a new job offer! Though, this job is about 18 hours away from my current living place. While I'm excited to start somewhere new, it also has negatively impacted my ability to get your pins to you. With my living situation in limbo, the last thing I wanted was for deliveries to be sent to an old address, and for things to get lost or improperly forwarded in the mail.

But let's get down to business. When will you finally get your much deserved stuff? With confidence, I can say that I will be shipping things out no later than early June, though hopefully sooner. The stickers are currently the last thing I am waiting on. All pins are in hand and fully graded, and they look even better than the photos sent by the manufacturer!
As for me, I am waiting for a physical address to place on the shipping label, and expect that to happen next week, with an official move date being the week of the 20th.

IF (and it's a big if) the stickers arrive before the moving truck, then I will begin shipments before I leave from my current address, but otherwise, it will have to be once I arrive at my new home in Las Vegas, NV. :D I am leaving my business supplies as the last box I pack with the hope that this might be the case.

This is a wordy update, but I wanted to hopefully make sure I was open about my current situation, and why it's been delayed. My finances to say the least, have taken a massive hit, and that also impacted my small business whilst I was between jobs and still paying bills.

My backers are truly the best, and I will forever appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Once again, if you have further concerns, feel free to reach out to me or e-mail me at [email protected].


March Update! w/ Manufacturer Pics
7 months ago – Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 09:46:45 PM

March Update!

I'm so sorry for the delay, but I finally have an update worth sharing! Believe it or not, the manufacturer and I have been communicating since December. However, due to some tweaks and fixes we had to iron out along the way, it has pushed our ship date further and further out, and what with both my and their holidays also impacting production time, we only now can say that we're nearing completion. Thankfully, the company has been very amicable and understanding regarding any necessary changes! 
Though it is never fun to wait, I do feel that the updates and re-dos we've had will ensure that the quality will meet the higher standard that I expect out of my pins.

I do have some manufacturer photos I can share, and I hope these will tide us over until our next update!

The smaller pin's photos were pretty blurry, please excuse the quality of these images! 
Lastly, I can also share the official artwork for the charms that were available through Backerkit!

Thank you again for your continued patience with this project! I am currently waiting on an update for a few more pins, but I feel confident that we will still be on track to ship in April. Once we are ready for shipping, I will send out another update!


Last Days to Change Surveys!
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 05:40:06 PM

Happy (Belated) Holidays everyone!

I apologize for the delay. What with the holidays, I found myself a little overwhelmed between IRL duties, manufacturing, art, and business! With this in mind, I have delayed charging cards until a more appropriate deadline, and that is finally coming up!

I will officially be locking orders and charging cards (without stretch goal purchases) on January 12th, 2024.

Once accounts are locked and cards are charged, your order will be locked in, and you will not be able to make any further purchases from Backerkit, or change your survey answers. You should still be able to change your shipping address up until the official shipping release date. I will announce the official date once all product has been received and quality checks conducted.

Stretch Goal Orders

If you opted in to our stretch goals, your cards will NOT be charged at this time. Stretch goals will have until February 1st before their cards will be charged. This is to ensure that I will be able to cancel and refund any pins that do not reach their funded goal.

Currently we are...

  • ... 7 orders away from Bioshock Infinite 1.5"!
  • ... 10 orders away from P.T.!
  • ... 11 orders away from Silent Hill 1"!
  • ... 17 orders away from Amnesia!

The Backerkit Pre-Order Store will remain open until February 1st! Feel free to share to any of your friends or socials that missed the Kickstarter!


If you are satisfied with your choices and have no further additions, nothing else is needed at this time! Please ensure your payment methods are properly updated by Friday, Jan. 12th, to ensure no further steps will need to be taken by you!

Over the next month or two, I will post further updates when I have them, including updated artwork! I also have a goal to post more on my Instagram, so please feel free to follow me there for further updates on future projects and commission openings.

Thank you!
